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Just like vitamins, minerals help your body grow and stay healthy. Your body needs minerals to perform different functions, from building healthy bones to transmitting electrical impulses along nerves. In fact, some minerals help maintain a normal heart beat and produce hormones. Since minerals are an essential part of a healthy diet, it is important to learn which foods are good sources of these nutrients.


Food sources


  • Magnesium - (Legumes, whole grains, wheat-bran, soybean flower, whole-wheat flower, oat bran, spinach, beat greens, greeny leafy vegetables and swiss chard).


  • Calcium - (Cheese, kale, cabbage, turnip greens, bok choy, broccoli, dark leafy greens, kelp, dried figs, sardines, canned salmon, oysters, hazelnut, yogurt, milk and cottage cheeses).


  • Potassium - (Potatoes, tomatoes, advocados, orange juice, bananas, cantaloupes, cod, flounder, salmon, chicken, and other meats). 




Magnesium - Your muscles, kidneys and heart require magnesium to function optimally.


Calcium - Your body uses calcium to form and maintain strong bones and teeth.


Potassium - Potassium ensures that your digestive and muscular systems perform their assigned functions effectively.

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