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You most likely know by now that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and if we don't eat something by morning, our stomach will be groaning by noon.


But not all breakfasts are quite what they seem. Even if your eating something that you may think is healthy for example a piece of fruit, or a granola bar or a piece of toast, it's probably not giving you the boost that you need to face the challenging day!


Deciding what meal to have needs the following ingredients to give you all the boost you need, half fruits and vegetables, a quarter whole grain and a quarter protein. The protein is the main ingredient you need to pay attention too.


If you just have carbs an no protein then your metabolism is going to pay the price, your likely to feel ravenous at lunchtime and that's when your likely to over eat to compensate or make poor decisions because you don't feel strong.

Another important reason why we should intake protein into our breakfast is, if we don't in the morning we are not going to take enough in through the evening.


Our bodies need to utilize at least 30 grams of protein a day to feed our muscles. Most women need about 80 to 100 grams of protein a day, although the exact amount you should be getting depends on your weight and activity you do in a day.


You don't have to eat a hearty breakfast of steak and eggs to take in enough protein. “It could be eggs and cheese with fruit on the side.

The obvious sources are from animals, so chicken, beef, turkey, eggs, milk, cheese, and yogurt. But consider plant-based sources, too, like beans, nuts, and seeds, these can be a great source of protein.

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