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Fats - Recommended Daily Allowance 30%


Fatty food sources - Chocolate, biscuits, butter, margarine, meats, nuts, seeds, oily fish, dairy products, eggs, fried foods and foods that are made or cooked with fats.


Structure - There are two types of fat: 1. Saturated - generally solid as room temperature, mainly from animal sources (exempt cocunut and palm oils). 2. Unsaturated (poly and mono) - generally liquid at room temperature, mainly from vegetable sources (exempt fish and wild game).



  • Fats help to Protect the internal organs.

  • A good source of insulation to the body.

  • Stores fat soluble vitamins.

  • Provides essential fatty acids (which cannot be made by the body).

  • Energy store.

  • A good source of energy (the aerobic energy system can utilise fat as a fuel.

  • Provides raw materials for cell structures.


Health Issues


  • Fat free diets - Fat is crucial for life and should be included in the diet, prefferably at a healthy level.


  • A diet high in fat - Fat is a very concentrated energy source so it can easily lead to excess calories being consumed. There are lots of health problems related to being overweight or obese.


  • A diet in high saturated fats - Even if being overweight is not a problem, a lot of saturated fat in the diet can lead to bad cholesterol and heart disease. Alot of saturate fat is associated with high levels of LDLs (Low Density Lipoproteins).


  • Cholesterol - High blood cholesterol can lead to health problems, including high blood pressure & coronary heart disease.


  • Energy - We are recommended to consume around 30% of our energy from fat sources.

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